Friday, February 24, 2017

Mass Chaos

Today has been a day of mass chaos. It started by not having my wallet when I needed to pay for groceries. It was quickly followed up with daycare calling me about my son having pink eye. My DH had to take a vacation day so I could peacefully work. Lunch time came with busy errands and planning for the upcoming cookie booth campaign. Things are definitely crazy.

However, I have to keep things in perspective. Yes, I will admit that I did complain to the respective sources (family and friends) but I should not have. Instead, I should have taken a deep breath and counted all the positives. The positives are what we really rely on instead of the negative. Sure, when someone asks us how are day is or was, we immediately reply with all our negatives. Fast forward, two days, a week, a month, a year, will the negatives (I am talking the small negatives) even matter. I will bet my shiny French franc the answer is no. Instead, you will remember the quarter you picked up when you were jogging in the morning or how the lovely picture your child made you at school.

We need to remember that life is fleeting and we must cherish what we have. We will only remember this one life and we have to make the most of it. Don't get stuck in the black swamp of negativity. The only thing that you will receive from that is an ulcer. Don't get me wrong, I am not Polly Sunshine. There are days that I am the Queen of Negativity. However, I am trying to turn my outlook around. I am trying to show the divine that I am all about the present, the love, the grace. It is difficult and I do stumble. It is a work in process but I know that I can do it. I was once told this: "Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?"

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Yes, I have anxiety. It is something that I live with everyday. It is part of the PTSD army that has invaded my well being. However, I have a stalemate with this army and we are learning to co-exist with each other. We have a unstable truce from time to time but the army and I acknowledge each other.

Anxiety is PTSD scout. Anxiety knows where the weaknesses in my defenses. Today is a day that Anxiety has breached the defenses. However, my guards have caught the scout while making its approach. Before, it approached, I got some delicious food from Panera with hot tea. Then, I came home and removed some leaves and prepared some plants for the oncoming pre-spring rain.

My hands touched the leaves softened by the mists of last night's rain. A calm washed over me while a voice in my head whispered there was nothing to fear. The voice seemed to embrace me gently and told me I was home and this is where I belonged. In that moment, I felt safe, at ease, and completely enthralled with clearing out the flower container of long dead inhabitants. The cool soil caressed my fingers as if it were a lover who ached for my touch. It was at this moment that I felt I belonged to the whole universe. I felt I was connected to everyone and everything.

After clearing the debris, I looked up to the sky. The sun was breaking through the clouds. Another voice rang through my head asking if I was better. I closed my eyes, head still raised, took a deep breath, and said yes. I was able to start my hectic day, crazy family life, messy house, nagging bills, and endless to do list with renewed vigor, strength, and serenity.

No matter where we are in life, what we feel, or where we are, we are all connected to each other and to the earth. We all need to remember that we are much more than schedules, chores, deadlines, and to do lists. We need to all bring at least 10 minutes into our day where there is no demanding world but calm, peace, and silence. If we all could do that, imagine what our world would look like.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Book Review: A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin

For February's book selection, I chose to read a book that my mother likes, A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin.

Summary: The book follows the live and politics of the great families of Westoros. It must be noted that if you thought this was a historical fiction,you would be wrong. I have seen some people try to say it is historical fiction but it is quite obvious that it is not. There is amazing power struggles and intrigue within the relationships of the families. I do not want to give too much away because this is a popular series with new viewers everyday.

My opinion: The television series follows the book quite closely. At first, I thought I was going to be a Danny fanatic but it turns out I am a Tyrin follower. I will have to say that after reading the first book, I binged on the television series and cannot wait for the next season to come out.

This was my second monthly book challenge. I would not read this series on my own. However, Martin's writing is captivating and held my interest. I was fascinated and I am planning the other books but have finished season 4 of the television series.  Normally, I would not read this genre but I do not regret it. If you have not read this series, I would highly recommend it.

Happy Reading!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Book Review:The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho

I know that I have been gone for awhile. I have taken on some roles that I had to shed and some that were more important. Things got pretty hectic causing me to prioritize, re-organize, and get back on track. One of the things on my list is my book reviews. Even if not one person reads this blog, I think it is helpful to have these reviews just for my understanding of the book. I am going to start from the beginning of the year with my monthly book challenges and then fill in with the other books I have read in between them. So without further adieu......

January 2015 Book Challenge: A book with magic
Selection: The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho (

Summary: The story follows the life and times of a woman who was adopted by a Lebanese couple after her Romani mother could not keep her child conceived out of wedlock. After the family moved to England due to civil war in their native country. The main character becomes fascinated by numerology, dance, calliography, and the trance-like powers of dance. The book explores the goddess aspect of religion and how we all long for her motherly embrace.

My opinion: I thought this was a very interesting book. Set in the modern times and told through the point of view of the main character's friends & family, it gave an interesting point of view of how on could look at the way of religion/cult. Athena never wanted to become a cult figure but never shied away from it either. Even though, there was no magic as in the fantasy sense, there was definitely magic in the way Athena handled her relationships with people. The ending has a nice plot twist even though somewhat predictable it was very interesting.

On my book page scale (10 being the highest), I give this book 8 pages. I am currently looking for some additional Paulo Coelho books to add to my library.

What are you reading? Send me an e-mail ( and let me know. I am always looking for more great reads.

If you have not heard of this podcast, BookRiot (  has weekly podcast all about books. There is an app for your smartphone and I highly recommend it.

I wish you a good book and a great cup of tea,


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Book Review: Neferiti by Michelle Moran

I first learned of Michelle Moran through her book, Cleopatra's Daughter. Being cautious of my assumptions of Diane Setterfield, I approached Nefertiti with careful consideration. I must say I was pleasantly surprised.

The story is one of the Queen of Egypt, Nefertiti who ruled with her husband, Akenaten. Akenaten changed Eqypt's society by changing the center of it's religion to the sun god, Aten. The story begins with her impending marriage and ends in her death. The whole story is complete rollcoaster ride as told by her sister,Mutny.

I found it thrilling and emotionally charged. I don't want to get too far into the plot but I cried for 15 minutes during the plague scenes. I found myself hating the queen then turning around loving her the next minute. As for her husband, let's say I just wanted to smack the holy hell out of him. That is what Moran does best. She gets you emotionally attached to each and every character along with valuable lesson in history combined with an amazing story.

I would highly recommend this author. She fully researches her subject manner while telling an entertaining tale. The next book I am reading is Moran's The Heretic Queen

Like these reviews? Read this books? Want to recommend a book to me? E-mail me at I would love to hear from you.

Book Review: Dark Fury by Mariah Lynde

I submitted a book review for Dark Fury by Mariah Lynde. Please see the link below.

Book Review: A Kiss of Shadows by Laurell K. Hamilton

I will not lie to you. I am a huge Laurell K. Hamilton fan. Did I mention I was a HUGE fan?! I love her books, however I have not read one of her books in some time. I have always read her Anita Blake series but not her Merry Gentry series. Therefore, I thought I would give it a try.

This series deals with the live of Merry Gentry, who is a formerly exiled Unseelie Fae. The book, A Kiss of Shadows, tells the story of how Merry goes from hated exile to wanted courtier. With family who wants her dead to guards and enemies of the court wanted to bed her, Merry's ordinary day goes from normal to chaotic.The question is will she live to see the end of it?

Hamilton does her research on fae legends and describes them perfectly. The story is fast paced and I found myself finishing it in under two weeks (this is a record for me). There was plenty of action ans suspense which brings me back over and over again to all of Hamilton's works. However, as with most of Hamilton's stories, only one thing bothered me-the constant sex scenes. Not even 1/8 into the book and there were two sex scenes. I believe by the end of the book, there were over half a dozen sex scenes. Don't get me wrong, I am no way a prude but when I read I want entertainment and escape. I have a good sex life and don't need a character's sex life as a form of escape. One or even three sex scenes are okay but don't make it the sole purpose of story. Yet in the way, it needed to be. It is just a shame it had to be that way.

Overall, would I read another Hamilton book. Duh, did you read the first part of this review?